Improving productivity isn’t just good for your bottom line, it’s also vital to employee well being that workloads are manageable and the right results are achieved without office managers being reduced to burnt out frazzles! If you find that you’re constantly working late or coming in early to try and keep on top of your workload, take just a few minutes out to read through these vital tips for office managers. They could be game changers when it comes to achieving more while doing less!
Management is all about delegation!
The key role of management is actually to manage staff, rather than doing everything yourself. This not only means ensuring your team have what they need to get the job done, it also means knowing when outside expertise, for example in commercial property services is required and making sure it’s made available. From building management to suitable catering, ensuring your employees have what they need to get the job done is the best way to help them do it effectively.
Relevant communication is vital
Many organisations recognise the importance of ensuring all employees are “kept in the loop” when it comes to briefings, updates, minutes of meeting and other key messages, but does everyone really need to know everything? Sometimes employees can waste hours ploughing through dozens of emailed communications that give information they don’t actually need. Taking the time to decide exactly what’s relevant to who with the aim of reducing time spent on email can free up literally hours each week to get key tasks completed. Some more ideas for effective communication are available here.
Have systems in place!
If you haven’t already, ensuring that appropriate procedures are in place to deal with busy periods, annual leave, absences, IT failure and other variables maximises the chances of productivity remaining unaffected. The more time spent planning, the easier it is to put in place relevant contingency plans when an emergency occurs.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
It’s a hackneyed phrase, but still a true one – when time is limited, it’s essential to focus on what matters and ensure that the key tasks which are vital to your core objectives are completed to a good standard. By constantly referring back to what your team is trying to achieve and what your role in that process should be, it’s possible to easily decide which jobs are essential and which can wait, or which can be foregone altogether.
Achieving greater productivity requires a proactive attitude and a constant focus on ensuring your tasks are geared to meet corporate and team objectives. Adopting the four straightforward office manager tips above will often make an enormous difference to both your productivity and your team’s. To enhance productivity even further, it’s often a case of looking at your individual operation to see how things could be improved. What change could you make today that would make a measurable difference to your company’s output?